Welcome to the FutureVision Collective
Our project aims to use art and artistic expression to empower young participants to envision and shape Europe's future in the Anthropocene, fostering collaboration, intercultural dialogue, and creative responses to contemporary social and political challenges.
“A mind that isstretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
– Oliver Wendell Holmes
We live in the Anthropocene: humanity now significantly impacts Earth'sbiological, geological, and atmospheric processes. Despite ongoing debatesfueled by some political movements, the realities of human-induced speciesextinction and climate change are clear.
This project seeks to collaboratively explore new narratives for Europe’sfuture, engaging both intellect and emotion. We aim to use art and artisticexpression as powerful tools to imagine, inspire, and realize futures for theAnthropocene.
Participants will strengthen their bond with each other and theenvironment. They will acquire skills to envision, narrate, and actively shapesocial and political futures. In an intercultural setting, participants willbecome futurists, expressing and making visible their innovative ideas andaspirations for the future through artistic endeavors. Their work will highlightcontemporary issues and realities in Europe, becoming focal points in publicdiscourse.
Participants will engage with a range of materials and learn about differenttypes of art and styles. Forty young people will develop creative approaches topolitical themes. Ultimately, their artistic processes will present diversevisions of Europe’s future, generating impactful and expressive messages thatwill resonate across the continent.